Thursday, May 20, 2010

Solution to Reason 442: Failed to Enable Virtual Adapter with Cisco VPN Client on Vista x86

Secure VPN Connection Terminated locally by the Client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtaul Adapter

This is actually a quite easy (but annoying) thing to fix. Here's the 100% reliable method use to fix this.

  1. In Network Connections, right-click your Cisco Systems VPN Adapter which should be disabled and enable it

  2. Right-click your Cisco Systems VPN Adapter again, this time selecting "Diagnose", and you should get the following prompt (your adapter may be numbered different from Local Area Connection 3)


  3. Select "Reset the network adapter ........ ", this will take a while (around 60 seconds on my laptop)


  4. Windows will again prompt you saying the IP configuration is still invalid, ignore this and just press Cancel.
  5. Go back to the Network Connections, right-click your VPN Virtual Adapter and Disable.
  6. Now open Cisco VPN, and you should be able to connect without any issues.

The problem will reoccur every time the connection is not cleanly closed - i.e. suspend / hibernate / loss of signal. However all you need to do is follow the above steps and it'll reset itself.

From Verier|Limited

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