Sunday, September 11, 2011

Outlook Error: “An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed…”

Microsoft Word is set to be your e-mail editor. However, Word is unavailable, not installed, or is not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook e-mail editor will be used instead. "An OLE registration error occurred. The program is not correctly installed. Run setup again for the program".

To try to fix this problem, perform the following steps.
  1. Click Start > Run or hold down the Windows Key and press R.
  2. Type regsvr32 ole32.dll and click OK.
You should get a response the the registration succeeded. Click OK and try Outlook again.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Installing Active Directory Tools Under Windows 7

First of all you need to download the software from Microsoft. In the Microsoft Download Centre these are called "Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7" a direct link to the download page is available;
If you scroll down to the "Files in This Download" section of the page you'll see two files. Depending on whether or not you're running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7 you need to pick the correct file. If you're unsure of which version you're running then go to the start button, right-click "Computer" and then select "Properties". You'll see something like this;
Look at the "System type:" value and you'll see what version of Windows you're running.
If you're running 32-bit then you need to download the file which starts "x86..." (currently this is "x86fre_GRMRSAT_MSU.msu" but it might change). For 64-bit users you need to download the file which begins "amd64..." (currently this is "amd64fre_GRMRSATX_MSU.msu") - this is true even if you're running a non-AMD 64-bit processor. The reason for this I'll leave Microsoft to explain ...
Once you've got the file install it (it's a standard KB update file).
After it's been successfully installed go to the Start Menu > Control Panel and select "Programs";
The "Windows Features" dialog box will be displayed, scroll down to "Role Administration Tools" (under "Remote Server Administration Tools") and select the the following items;
Click "OK" to make the changes.
In order to make finding these under the Start Menu a little easier right-click the Start Button and select "Properties";
Select "Customize ..." and then scroll down the list until you see "System administrative tools" and choose where you want the tools to display;
Under the Start Menu you will now see an "Administrative Tools" option, under this you'll see the new AD Tools;
NOTE: Sometimes a reboot is required to pick up these changes!
